
BHVAOSA Receives ACMEE Instrumentarium Grant

by Stephanie Dykeman, BHVAOSA Past-President

In November of 2018, I traveled with my BHV colleagues to Cincinnati, Ohio for the 50th anniversary AOSA National Conference. We attended some incredible professional development sessions and met tons of inspiring Orff teachers from around the country. Our mission in attending the conference is not only for our own professional development, but also to be on the lookout for all-star presenters whom we can contract to come and present for our chapter.

Our Berkshire-Hudson Valley Chapter is part of the American Orff Schulwerk Association.  AOSA is a national organization which began in Muncie, IN on May 11, 1968, as the Orff Schulwerk Association.  Within five years the association grew to include 1,200 members in 49 states and Canada.  Currently, the AOSA has 96 local chapters and nearly 3,300 members.

At the American Orff Schulwerk Association's annual professional development conference, Region V representatives reached an agreement which will greatly expand the number of workshops available to chapter members.  Under this new agreement, members can participate in workshops offered by other chapters for only $10.00.